On July 30, we were happy to host Nir Dvori, the military correspondent of the news company, at the Socio-Economic Club of the Diamond Exchange
In his lecture, Dvori presented a deep and fascinating analysis of the political and military situation of the State of Israel considering the many changes in the Middle East and the new and different approach of President Trump.
Among other things, Dvori referred to the "security provocation" and "burning kites" events in the southern sector and estimated that they were not likely to develop into a war.
Dvori noted that the prime minister is making tireless efforts behind the scenes to prevent war, even though many Israeli citizens are angry about it.
In his review, Nir Dvori noted that the alliance with Turkey is only to become stronger and stronger, and even though Erdogan appears to be intensifying his hostile attitude towards Israel.
As an example, Dvori brought the following surprising figure: The volume of trade between Israel and Turkey increased by 400% from the period prior to the crisis of the "Marmara" .
During the lecture, the reporter answered the questions of the exchange's members, and it appears that at the end of the lecture we became more proficient in what was happening behind the scenes of the Israeli government's political and security activities.