Tzoffeys 1818, a pioneer in rough tenders headquartered within the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE), will be offering a mix of commercial goods and exceptional rough stones at its tender next week.
Tzoffeys, an Israeli company, will conduct a tender at the IDE International Rough Diamond Week, alongside De Beers, Rio Tinto and Alrosa. Other prominent rough importers will exhibit within an open sales area.
Tzoffeys, which has conducted six previous tenders during the past two years, will be offering goods that are focused to match market demand. These include:
Shai Schnitzer, Chairman of the International Rough Diamond Week, said that the organizers were looking forward to a very active event. “There are several hundred participants registered. We are confident that the tenders will be successful and will enable us to expand the event even further,” he said.
IDE President Yoram Dvash said that his goal was to boost Israel’s position as a rough trading hub.
“Today we are an important rough trading center, which can be seen by the important tenders that are held here. We are seeking to augment this trade by attracting a greater number of rough diamond tenders to be held at the Israel Diamond Exchange.”