Grib Diamonds To Hold Auction Online Of Diamonds

Grib Diamonds To Hold Auction Online Of Diamonds

"Grib Diamonds' aims at maximum transparency," said Head of Sales for Grib Diamonds, Martin Leake.
Grib Diamonds NV, which os 100-percent owned by Russia's LUKOIL, will stage its first auction of rough diamonds from the V. Grib diamond mine in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia. 

The company said in a statement that it will hold viewings from September 15 in Antwerp, Belgium, and host an online auction using what it described as a sophisticated, state-of-the art auction platform that has been adapted to the company's needs.

The auction will be a multi-split, ascending clock auction with the clearing price set by the highest losing bid. 
"All participating customers get a full data pack with the details of the assortments and a quality analysis," Leake explained.

"In the Grib Diamonds auction model, we let the market set the price, since that creates a win-win situation for both the seller and the buyer."